Eco-citizen act rewarded 

Make tomorrow a better world, be rewarded today. Join the project by following us and be part of the Initiative!

You earn CRYPTO

cleaning up the Planet


PC GAME – Complete the maze

Goal: Complete the maze and WIN 10 PLANET each level

Make a screenshot share it in #play2earn channel discord

Share it to me and win PLANET TOKEN

Earth is our home, taking care of it should be our primary action. 

At CLEAN PLANET we strongly believe in the power of individual human action

and we reward it

Let us act today for a better world tomorrow



What is Clean Planet? Combo ecology act and technology

Clean Planet is an ecological movement that aims to reward small but important citizen’s gestures for our beautiful planet. The first thing you can do for the planet is to pick up wastes that lays in the Nature. In addition you will be rewarded with crypto currency. Amazing no? To take a look, watch this video and If you enjoy the project, you can become a part of it by a donating on HIVE to @cleanplanet!



Make a better world, earn tokens

Join Clean Planet and earn money by cleaning up the Planet

Any question? Contact us!

In real time, click here -> Discover the HIVE level 


How you can start ? 


Take a dated video or some dated pictures of you or your friends while you pick up litter, put what you have collected in a public trash.


Upload your Dated video or photos report on the social network for the videos or If you don’t have an account yet, click on the button below!


Get rewarded for your eco-citizen act by the vote/like of the Community! You could recieve several cryptos 

Create an account

MUST: contact me by email after creating your account …. I will lend you power to start publishing your eco-citizen acts !!!!



participating countries




realized CLEAN PLANET act


Delegation (lend of crypto)

Our best donators

Top 3 of our +90 donators. If you want to be a part of the project too, click on the button bellow! Remember, there are no small donations



6,991 Power

« I delegated to Cleanplanet because the project is an initiative of general interest. The ecological and environmental issue must lead to a real « state of environmental emergency » and action. The very serious pollution problems linked, for example, to the use of plastic (the sea of plastic in the Pacific Ocean is currently three times the size of France and its mass is increasing exponentially) as well as the many deaths must be considered and Cleanplanet acts by motivating waste collection in a fun and rewarding way. »



4,463.729 Power

« Clean Planet it’s like a double rewards! For you, and for the planet! »



4,013.428 Power

« I’ve always wanted to support a project on Steemit. I searched for a long time when a friend told me about Clean Planet and so I gradually decided to support this project: for the planet, which deserves a lot of support to regain its cleanliness. »


Fiat Donate : $ – CHF – €

CLEANPLANET has opened a support campaign through PayPal!!! Users can leave their leftover pennies to CLEAN PLANET… this is great news and raises valuable funds.

This capital will allow the purchase of more Hive tokens

These tokens are not spent! It is how staking works that generates new tokens on the DPOS blockchains.

“Stacking is about keeping things safe and secure. The more you “Stack”, the greater the power of reward.

The regenerative system of voting power is continuous, we can distribute rewards every day, several times a day.

You can see the rewarded actions AT THIS LINK 

How will the money be used?

90% of funds raised in Euro will be sent to the exchange platform of Binance, the leader in token buying. These Euros will be converted into Hive and sent free of charge to CLEAN PLANET’s electronic wallets, secured by long private keys.

Of course, you can participate in the campaign by sending tokens to one of CLEAN PLANET’s electronic wallets

Associations and individuals are welcome to participate in this crowdfunding campaign. A successful campaign requires the commitment of many supporters. You can also participate by forwarding this letter to an association or posting it on your favorite media so that all your friends are in the know.


I want to make a donation! 

Let’s go!


If you want to help CLEAN PLANET, Crypto Donate : 

  • BITCOIN account: 3QE9RXK3heHesct5fANK7ZMtNByngDPq7p
  • Ethereum account: 0xf7588a4c4cDce136ACF349A884DDa3160fa6C73D
  • BUSD (BEP20 – BSC) : 0x21dcc341fb5655c2f9cd96e4a1e8b8b1b0729d5b
  • BUSD (BEP2): bnb136ns6lfw4zs5hg4n85vdthaad7hq5m4gtkgf23      >>>>>>>>>>> MEMO : 103931102
  • USDT (BEP20): 0x332683aab00891eacc961900a394eb1a2d5a5542
  • Hive account: @cleanplanet
  • account: @cleanplanet
  • Seeds account: clean4planet